Only gold

My father, a refugee at the age of seven during WWII, instilled in me a fierce determination to succeed from a young age. He taught me that settling for anything less than the gold medal was not an option.

This mindset propelled me to excel in a variety of sports, including running, skiing, skating, and particularly hockey.

Playing with the best players 

This drive to win led me to the United States at the age of 16, where I faced the challenges of not only being in a new country but also not speaking the language.

Despite these difficulties, I thrived on the hockey rink and led my team to a state championship victory. This success eventually led me to Canada, where I had the opportunity to play with some of the best players in the world.

Back to America, New York City

After returning to Finland to take over my family's business in my early 20s, I couldn't shake my desire to return to the United States to pursue the American dream.

I moved to New York City in my late 30s with nothing but a one-way ticket and my unwavering determination to succeed.

Build a neobank

Through hard work and perseverance, I was able to establish myself as a successful entrepreneur and eventually built a successful cashback app called SPENT.

This success led to partnerships with banks and eventually inspired me to launch my own banking product, Benjamin, which is designed to help 30 million American small businesses save on their business spending and attract new customers.

Throughout my journey, I have learned that winning isn't everything, but it is the only thing. I am excited to continue this journey and invite others to join me in building something truly special.

- Erno